Saturday, February 28, 2009

The new chicks are here and doing very well. They arrived on Monday Feb. 18 -- President's Day! The problem was, of course, that the post office is closed on President's Day. I got a call on my cell phone at around 9 AM from a woman, Roxanne, at the post office -- "You've got some chicks here. We're closed today, but I'll be here another hour -- come to the back door and knock." Well, I was at work and about an hour away from the post office. There was no way for me to get there until much later. After work I headed straight to the post office - hoping that someone might by chance be there. The place was empty. I knocked on the back down, prowled around the inside lobby area, and even yelled through a mail slot, "I'm here for the chicks!" I could hear them peeping sadly in the back. Desperate for some help, I caught a lady in the township hall just as she was closing up. "Do you know Roxanne - the women who works in the post office?" I asked. Luckily she did and she called Roxanne at home. And...this could only happen in a small town...Roxanne drove down to the post office, opened it up for me, and handed over a box of cold, hungry chicks. Two weeks later they are doing great. We've got six Delawares, eight Light Brahmas, five Buff Orpingtons, and eight Black Australorps. Soon we'll have a lot more eggs to sell!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sheep Links

great farm, author of many sheep articles, also pumpkin patch

link shows yearly calendar for sheep

and great list of links

Ha! this is awesome.


awesome product and info link

this is the place up in charlevoix, these people have a great website the one with the timeline of their farm

this is great info, makes me prefer corriedale for sure.

I think I mentioned the sheep production forum. There are many very knowledgable people in the group who are very willing to help. Here is the link to the site if you are interested: