Saturday, February 28, 2009

The new chicks are here and doing very well. They arrived on Monday Feb. 18 -- President's Day! The problem was, of course, that the post office is closed on President's Day. I got a call on my cell phone at around 9 AM from a woman, Roxanne, at the post office -- "You've got some chicks here. We're closed today, but I'll be here another hour -- come to the back door and knock." Well, I was at work and about an hour away from the post office. There was no way for me to get there until much later. After work I headed straight to the post office - hoping that someone might by chance be there. The place was empty. I knocked on the back down, prowled around the inside lobby area, and even yelled through a mail slot, "I'm here for the chicks!" I could hear them peeping sadly in the back. Desperate for some help, I caught a lady in the township hall just as she was closing up. "Do you know Roxanne - the women who works in the post office?" I asked. Luckily she did and she called Roxanne at home. And...this could only happen in a small town...Roxanne drove down to the post office, opened it up for me, and handed over a box of cold, hungry chicks. Two weeks later they are doing great. We've got six Delawares, eight Light Brahmas, five Buff Orpingtons, and eight Black Australorps. Soon we'll have a lot more eggs to sell!


  1. What a nice lady to come down and open up the Post office so you could get the Chickens. Your right only in a small town. Can't wait to eat, I mean meet, the little buggers.

  2. Those are very cool! I wonder how many pairs of gloves their pelts would make?
