Thursday, May 6, 2010

Where ya been?

Wow, was it really early April that I last wrote a blog entry?   And here we are second week in May...  I can't seem to grasp time these days.  It just keeps flying by.  When I think about how much has gone on in the past few months, from lambing and early morning deliveries, to vaccinations, cleaning stalls, spring shearing and then moving everyone out to pasture; it baffles me to think of managing all that.  Then you throw in teaching and maintaining a schedule there, home remodel project that leaves your bed, your closet clothes and your dresser in the basement, living room and attic closet... I may have signed up for too much here.

But then you make it through, those with heartbeats take priority on the list of things to do.  The daylight sticks around later into the evening, and the temperatures start to reach 50s, 60s even a few 70s.  And voila.  You become summer minded.  Who cares if I had to call the drywall guy 7 times to complete the work right?  The sheep drive you nuts for a couple weeks, and the moment I'm on the porch, watching the new lambs play out in the pasture and the sun laying down on the horizon behind them; it all becomes worth it.  Every part of it. I have plenty of those moments, where I realize I am truly blessed.  I mean how lucky?  Its my dream.  I come home to it every day.  

I mentioned shearing earlier.  It was our spring shearing, and I had the professional come out and do it as to not sacrifice quality in the cut of these amazing fleeces.  A few are rams, as they are on the spring shearing, but we have one Ewe off schedule, and don't tell the other girls, but I think its my favorite.  She is my only gray fleece.  Its this soft, unreal light gray color, that will just be amazing to spin and create with.

Ahgosa's is the chocolate brown color, a real consistent tight crimp.  The kind of crimp so prominent that it can reflect the light and be noticed from a distance, its that good.  And the color is rich too.  It's a superior fleece.  Johnny gave us the big dependable creamy white Corriedale fleece, and Doherty finished off his lamb fleece with another 6 months of growth; leaving it a shorter staple, but brilliant white and fine crimp.  Please check our fleece page for pictures and pricing.

Ahgosa's Fleece
Here we go gang, summer is just around the corner.  Its time to finish up those spring projects, there is far too much greatness in Northern Michigan to be stuck in last season's "to do" list.  The sheep seem to get this better than I do.  To watch them, is to see peace and what its like to sit and relax enjoying nature.  That is until the Ewe gets bombarded by her now 60 pound, 2 month old lambs that are looking for a third playmate.  I can almost hear them begging... isn't it weaning time yet?  Almost girls, almost.   

George and Ulysses Enjoying Fresh Pasture

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